Creating a consistent user experience is essential to any successful marketing campaign. With Formulayt it's possible for your forms to perform a variety of functions by setting up rules and utilizing other features. Many of these rules are based on the country of the user, displaying the correct privacy policy or GDPR checkboxes for example.
Following this example, let's say a user is on a Chinese domain and French language page but is currently in the United Kingdom. In this case, the rule for displaying the GDPR checkbox needs to be based on country as GDPR is dependent on the country the user is in, not the domain or language they are viewing the page on.
The privacy policy, however, should be set to the gate language because if we set it to country the user will be sent to an English language privacy page from a Chinese language form.
The gate language is set in the gate editor (when you are building the gate). This will decide which set of translations is used.
The country field is customer-facing and used primarily for data collection and also has geolocation.
To summarise, the gate language is a function of the gate and the page it resides on, and does not change. The user's country is a function of the user and will change depending on where the user is located.
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