Form prepopulation automatically fills in form fields with existing data, reducing manual entry and potential errors. This guide covers the different prepopulation methods available in Formulayt and how to implement them effectively.
Prepopulation Methods Overview
Formulayt employs two powerful prepopulation approaches to maximize form completion rates while maintaining data integrity:
1. Browser-Based Prepopulation
Formulayt can intelligently store and retrieve submission data directly in the user's browser, streamlining subsequent form interactions. This feature can be precisely configured on a field-by-field basis through our field management system. For detailed configuration instructions, please refer to our managing fields article.
2. External Data Prepopulation
Formulayt seamlessly integrates with leading marketing automation platforms to pull existing contact data for prepopulation purposes. This integration-specific functionality enhances data consistency across your marketing technology stack. Find detailed integration guides here
Specialized Form Modes
There are specific scenarios where you may need to disable prepopulation on certain forms. Formulayt provides two specialized modes for these situations:
Kiosk Mode
Ideal for collecting newsletter registrations or leads at physical events, Kiosk Mode prevents form fields from retaining information between submissions. To enable:
- Navigate to your target form
- Open the gate editor
- Select the form tab
- Enable the Kiosk mode checkbox
- Save your changes
Express Mode
Express Mode optimizes gate loading times by bypassing the external prepopulation data wait period. While browser-based prepopulation remains active, external data sources (including geo-ip and marketing automation platforms) will not be queried. This mode is particularly valuable for high-visibility forms where loading speed is crucial.
To implement Express Mode:
- Contact your account manager to enable this feature
- Once activated, navigate to your target form
- Open the gate editor
- Select the form tab
- Enable the Express Mode checkbox
- Save your changes
Need Assistance?
Have questions about prepopulation or experiencing issues? Our support team is here to help. Simply click "+ New Support Ticket" to connect with our technical experts.