Bulk Import
With Formulayt you can save time by uploading up to 100 gates at once.
Before you start make sure to take a backup of all your account gates in case you need to revert any changes. You can do this by exporting all gate configurations.
You can use this export to create a template spreadsheet for your upload by clearing all the cells except row 1 (column headings).
You may also want to leave one gate configuration row as an example as you will need to follow the specific formatting for each column but be sure to delete it before uploading.
Before populating the spreadsheet you will need to remove columns A-G (Gate ID, Folder, Root Folder, Created By, Created On, Last Modified By, Last Modified On). It is also important to note that custom fields cannot be added by using the import feature.
Once you have completed your spreadsheet save it as a CSV UTF-8, navigate to the browse gates area and click the Import Gates button. On the first step select create new gates from the dropdown.
Once you have uploaded your spreadsheet you will need to complete the mapping, most of this will be completed for you but it is important to check each one is correct. For each gate attribute, choose how you want to set its value. Mandatory attributes must have a value specified in order for the import to proceed. Conditionally mandatory attributes may require values depending on other fields. The data you are uploading should specify these values where necessary, else the gates may fail to work correctly.
If there are any errors or incorrect formatting in your spreadsheet they will be identified in the next step
In this example, the gate in Row 13 contains an invalid form type, this would need to be corrected to pass this step. After this, there is a final confirmation that will state the number of gates in the upload.
Once complete it is vitally important to go back to the browse gates area and check that your gates have been uploaded correctly.
Bulk Update
- Before you start make sure to take a backup of all your account gates in case you need to revert any changes.
- Click Import in the top right of the manage gates area and select "Update Existing Gates".
- Then upload your CSV which must contain Gate IDs in column A.
- If a column (field) is absent in the spreadsheet then that field will not be affected. You can see this in the mapping stage where it says "do nothing".
- If a column (field) is included in the spreadsheet the field will be updates with the new values.
- If a column (field) is included in the spreadsheet and the cell is blank the value will be cleared from that field.
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