With Formulayt it is possible to display a webpage within an iFrame on form submission.
To do this navigate to the Browse Gates area and create a new gate. Begin filling in details such as Gate name and Form type. From the Gate type dropdown select Web page (framed). A series of fields will now appear, first of all, you will need to supply the Content source URL, this is the web page that will be displayed within the iframe on form submission.
You can then set the iframe width and height in pixels, it is recommended that the values entered here are relevant to the aspect ratio of the content you are going to display within the iframe.
Sizing Behavior Options
Next, you will need to set the sizing behavior:
Selecting Fixed size means the iframe will always match the width and height selected previously, regardless of the page the gate is on or the size of the content being delivered.
Selecting Fill width available means the iframe will scale to available width where the gate has been embedded. You will be provided with another field that you can use to determine the maximum width available.
Finally, you have the option to always Maintain the aspect ratio and to Fill the page if the gate is a modal. This latter option means any other settings selected will be ignored and the iframe will match the height of the window.
This gate type also has an accompanying analytics event that can be fired when the frame is loaded and can be configured in the Manage Events area.
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