Formulayt's multi-step forms help enterprises optimize web conversion rates while maintaining data governance and compliance. By breaking down long forms into manageable steps, you can significantly improve user experience and form completion rates across your digital estate.

Setting Up Multi-Step Forms

First things first, make sure the multi-step form type has been activated by contacting your account manager. Then head to manage form types and create a new form type using the blue button in the top right hand corner.

You will see a dropdown labelled form behaviour where you can select standard, progressive and multi-step. Once you have selected multi-step you will need choose the maximum number of steps and assign each field.

Once you have saved your new form type and pushed it live, you will be able to assign gates to it in the gate editor.

Need Help?

If you have questions about multi-step forms or need help with configuration, our technical team is here to help. Create a new support ticket and we'll assist you with your form setup needs.