Web conversion optimisation can be summarised in a simple but powerful formula:
(Motivation + Value Proposition + Incentive) - (Friction + Anxiety) = WCO
One way to decrease anxiety for your forms is to let the user know why you are requesting each piece of information. Asking for too much too early is a sure-fire way to put off potential prospects at the critical form fill stage. Frist, make sure each form is only asking for information you really need at that stage of the customer journey. Then use custom placeholders to let the user know exactly what you need it for.
Here is an example:
Want to set this up yourself? Here's how:
Step 1: Go to manage fields and select he field you want to add a custom placeholder to. In this example we will use first name.
Step 2: Head over to the rules tab and create a new rule. In this example we are targeting a specific gate but you the conditions are up to you.
On form load, IF the Gate Name equals Page Gate - Custom Placeholder THEN Change the placeholder of this field to So we know what to call you
Step 3: Save, test and publish.
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