Single sign-on (SSO) allows your users to access your account via a central SSO platform where you manage your users. supports SSO via SAML. This includes support for Okta, as well as other platforms that provide SAML authentication.

The process to activate this integration is as follows:

  1. Configure your SAML platform to allow access to GCDC using the information we provide
  2. Provide the required details back to GCDC from your SAML platform
  3. GCDC will activate SAML support on your account from our end
  4. When all of the above is done, your SSO users can access GCDC via your SAML platform

Configuring your SAML platform

The exact steps for completing this step vary between SAML providers. You should consult the documentation for your specific SAML provider as is unable to provide customised steps for each platform (except Okta, which we have detailed below). However, you will need the following information from to complete this step (you should request this information by raising a support ticket):

SAML version: 2.0

App name:

Single sign-on URL: Request this from your GCDC account manager

Audience URI (SP Entity ID): Request this from your GCDC account manager 

Name ID format: EmailAddress

Add the following attribute statements:









Request this from your GCDC account manager 

Note that you must never share the value of the gcdc_secret attribute with anybody else.

Provide the required details to your GCDC account manager

You will need to provide the following details from your SAML platform on a support ticket in order for us to activate the integration from our side:

  • Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL
  • Identity Provider Issuer
  • X.509 Certificate

Additionally, you should state if you want either of the following options to be enabled:

  •  Allow provisioning of new users - we will create new user accounts in GCDC for users logging in over SSO who have not used GCDC before
  • Allow SSO users to also sign in using a password - your users can also set and use a password to log into GCDC

Once this information has been received, we will activate the SAML integration and you can now have your users log into GCDC using SSO.

Detailed steps for Okta

If you are using Okta as your SSO platform, you can follow these more details steps to set things up.

Integration with Okta requires the creation of a Web app tile within Okta. 

Within OKTA, create a new application by navigating to: Classic UI → Applications → Add Application → Create New App

Specify the following initial settings:

  • Platform: Web

  • Sign on method: SAML 2.0

Specify the following general settings:

  • App name:

Specify the following SAML settings:

  • Single sign on URL: [To be provided by]

  • Audience URI (SP Entity ID): [To be provided by]

  • Name ID format: EmailAddress

  • Application username: Okta username

  • Update application username on : Create and update

Add the following attribute statements as detailed above. The Name format for all statements should be "Unspecified".

You can use the following image as a tile logo:

Once complete, provide the required details back to GCDC as detailed above.