Formulayt forms can send submissions to Eloqua form via HTTPS POST to capture user data within your Eloqua instance. In addition, Formulayt can utilise the Eloqua API and Web Data Lookups (WDLs) to retrieve contact information for form pre-population. Using both the API and WDLs allows for the most reliable data retrieval.

Integration requirements

Form submission capture

An Eloqua form must be created to capture the data from Formulayt form submissions. Normally only a single Eloqua form will be required that should contain all possible fields from all Formulayt form types, including hidden fields. If you plan to use multiple Eloqua forms to collect Formulayt form submissions, you will need to use Rules within Formulayt to control which Eloqua form submissions will go to. Note that Formulayt can only submit to one Eloqua form at a time, so Eloqua resubmission processing steps should be used where data needs to be submitted to multiple Eloqua forms simultaneously.

Please ensure that validation is disabled on all fields on the Eloqua form. Validation rules can cause form submissions to fail silently in the background, resulting in data loss.

The HTML form name also needs to be added in a hidden field called "elqFormName" to your Formulayt form configuration. In addition, ensure that all your Formulayt field names match the HTML name of the receiving fields on your Eloqua forms.

Once you have created your form, add the following details in the Apps area:

  • Eloqua site ID 
  • Form submission URL 

Anti-spam measures

A new beta feature within Eloqua optionally adds anti-spam measures to your Eloqua forms to reduce the number of spam submissions received. It is important that you do not enable this on any Eloqua forms used by GCDC until this feature has been set up within GCDC first, otherwise, all submissions will be marked as spam.

To use this feature, you must first contact your Oracle account manager to have this enabled on your Eloqua account. Once enabled and you can see the anti-spam option available on your Eloqua forms, activate anti-spam in the apps area. Once this has been done, you can then enable it on the Eloqua form. Always conduct some tests after activation to ensure submissions are received correctly.

Note: as part of the anti-spam measures, a honeypot field is added to all forms. This is detailed further in the Eloqua documentation. The name of this field is normally address1. If the honeypot field added by Eloqua has a different name, it is critical that you this exactly matches the value in the honeypot field in the Apps area.

Pre-population data

Some data requests are more reliable and faster when done over the Eloqua API. You should create an API account specifically for Formulayt with read access to the following endpoints:

  • data/visitors
  • data/contacts
  • data/contact/view
  • assets/contact/lists
  • assets/contact/fields
  • assets/contact/view
  • assets/forms

If using the API, GCDC will also require a view to be created that lists all contact fields for any given contact

A number of web data lookups are required to obtain additional data (such as the visitor record for a given email recipient ID). These should be configured as follows:

  • Visitor lookup - this should not accept a search criteria but should return the visitor record, including the email address, for the current site visitor.
  • Email recipient ID lookup - this should accept an email recipient ID and return the visitor record including the visitor’s email address. 
    • Ensure that “Restricted Data Lookups will only return data if the visitor is already linked to that Contact” is checked to secure this web data lookup.
  • Email contact lookup - this should accept an email address and return the full contact record associated with this email address, if there is one; this must include all of the fields marked for pre-population in your account.

In order to activate the integration, Formulayt requires the following information:

  • For the API account (with permissions as outlined above) you will need to provide the following in the Apps area:
    • Company name
    • Username
    • Password
  • The ID of the ‘all contact fields’ view
  • For web data lookups specified above, please provide:
    • Visitor lookup
      • The web lookup ID
      • The name of the email address field returned in the lookup, e.g. ‘V_Email_Address’
    • Email recipient ID lookup
      • The web lookup ID
      • The name of the email recipient field that will be expected by the lookup, e.g. ‘V_EmailRecipientID’
      • The name of the email address field returned in the lookup, e.g. ‘V_Email_Address’
    • Email contact lookup
      • The web lookup ID
      • The name of the email address field that will be expected by the lookup, e.g. ‘C_EmailAddress’
      • The name of the email address field returned in the lookup, e.g. ‘C_EmailAddress’

Once fully integrated, you will be able to select Eloqua fields to pre-populate Formulayt fields with from the field editor.

Gate performance

Please note that for pre-population to work, you must include the Eloqua tracking script on any webpage where Formulayt gates are located.

Additionally, once you have integrated your Formulayt account with Eloqua, you should generally ensure that the Eloqua script appears on any page where the Formulayt script is being used. When gates load, they will wait up to 10 seconds for the Eloqua scripts to become active to be able to use them for pre-population. If the Eloqua script is not on the page, gates won't render until this timeout has elapsed.