This article with guide you through the steps to customise your gate submit button. There are two methods to achieve this and both can be used at the same time.

A) To change the submit button text on a gate-by-gate basis:

  1. Create a hidden field called exactly "submitText"
  2. Set the pre-population for the field to be 'Gate editor'
  3. This will then allow gate editors to enter a value which will override the default submit button text

Please note, as gates are already language-specific, the entered text will not be indexed for translation

You can change the field label by clicking configure in the prepopulation area.

You will then see this area in the misc tab of the gate editor.

B) To set rules that change the submit button text, you can use the two rule actions:

  1. "Change the form's submit button text"
    1. Enter a value. This will be indexed for translation since this rule can fire on many gates in different languages
  2. "Reset the form's submit button text back to its original value"
    1. This will revert back to what was in the Submit button on gate load. If you are also using gate-specific submit button text, this will be used.

For example, if you had a 'Contact Us' form type and you needed the submit button to change to "Get in touch". You would create a rule as shown below:

Need Help?

If you are experiencing issues with submit button customization after following these steps, our technical support team is here to help. Create a new support ticket and we'll assist you with submit button configuration issues.