The Formulayt platform utilises a variety of security measures such as: One Time Passcodes (OTP), Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Single Sign-On (SSO).
One Time Passcodes (OTP)
All users will be periodically asked to provide an OTP at log in which they will receive via email.
If you have received an OTP email when you were not trying to log into Formulayt reset your password immediately and consider activating 2FA.
Please note that it is possible to receive an OTP email which is not directly in responses to a log in attempt. The security cookie will only last for 30 days. So if you have left a window with Formulayt logged in and the cookie expires a new cookie will be generated on the next page load and an OTP email will be sent.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process by making it harder for attackers to gain access to a person's devices or online accounts because, even if the victim's password is hacked, a password alone is not enough to pass the authentication check.
When a new user is created they will be given the option to activate two-factor authentication. Administrators can require all users to use 2FA when logging in by activating this in the account settings area. This will require users to have the Google Authenticator App.
Need Help?
If you need assistance with security settings or are experiencing authentication issues, our technical support team is here to help. Create a new support ticket and we'll assist you with your security configuration needs.