Formulayt can push form submissions into Salesforce Leads via the Salesforce REST API. This allows you to capture form data in Salesforce and further process it with your internal workflows, assignment rules, or any existing Salesforce automation.
Integration Requirements
1. Salesforce Admin Access
You’ll need a user with the System Administrator profile (or equivalent permissions) to create a Connected App in Salesforce and grant appropriate OAuth scopes.
2. Connected App
A Connected App must be created in your Salesforce org to enable Formulayt to perform OAuth 2.0 authentication. You will retrieve a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from that app, then enter them into Formulayt.
3. OAuth 2.0 Authorization
You’ll complete the OAuth flow from within the Formulayt admin, using your Salesforce credentials. This grants Formulayt a refresh token for ongoing access to create/update leads.
Once this is configured, each form submission can be matched against an existing lead (by fields like email) or create a new lead if no match is found.
Step 1: Create a Connected App in Salesforce
- Go to Setup
- In the top-right corner of your Salesforce org, click the gear icon and select Setup.
- Navigate to App Manager
- In Setup’s search bar, type App Manager and select App Manager.
- New Connected App
- Click New Connected App (or “New Lightning App” depending on UI).
- Connected App Name: For example, “Formulayt.”
- Contact Email: (or your preferred owner email).
- Enable OAuth Settings
- Check Enable OAuth Settings.
- Callback URL:
- Replace {{YOUR_FORMULAYT_ACCOUNT_ID}} with your actual Formulayt account ID.
- Selected OAuth Scopes:
- Access and manage your data (api)
- Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Ensure that Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)is Unchecked.
- Save and Retrieve Keys
- After saving, Salesforce displays your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Make sure to record these.
- Set Refresh Token Policy
- Go to Manage → Manage Policies.
- Under Refresh Token Policy, select Refresh token is valid until revoked.
- This ensures Formulayt’s connection doesn’t expire.
Step 2: Enter Salesforce Details in Formulayt
Once your Connected App is set up, log in to your Formulayt admin area:
- Open the Salesforce Integration
- Under Apps, find Salesforce.
- You’ll see fields like Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and a button to Connect your SFDC account.
- Fill in the Required Fields
- Consumer Key: The “Consumer Key” from your Connected App.
- Consumer Secret: The “Consumer Secret” from your Connected App.
- Connect Your SFDC Account (OAuth)
- Click Connect your SFDC account.
- You’ll be redirected to Salesforce to authorize. Sign in with the Salesforce user who should have API permissions.
- After authorizing, you’ll be redirected back to Formulayt, and the refresh token is stored securely in Formulayt.
Once authenticated, Formulayt can continuously push form submissions into Salesforce leads.
Step 3: Define Your Field Mapping
After integration is active, you can choose which fields from your Formulayt forms map to which Salesforce Lead fields:
- Lead Search Field Mapping:
- Tells Formulayt which combination of fields to compare when searching for existing leads (e.g., “Email”).
- If a match is found, the lead is updated; otherwise, a new lead is created.
- Lead Update Field Mapping:
- Tells Formulayt how to populate Salesforce lead fields from your form submission fields.
- For example, “Formulayt field FirstName → Salesforce Lead field FirstName.”
- Email should always be mapped to the Salesforce Lead Email field so that matching/creation works properly.
You can access these mapping configurations in the same Salesforce Integration settings in Formulayt.
Need Help?
If you encounter any issues with the Salesforce integration after following these steps:
• Check your Connected App settings (Consumer Key, Secret, OAuth scopes).
• Make sure your Salesforce user has API permissions and can create/update leads.
• Ensure you completed the OAuth authorization from Formulayt successfully.
Still need assistance? Contact our support team and we’ll help you troubleshoot your integration setup.