A modal pop up gate appears over the page as an overlay. It is triggered from a link on the page. To deploy a gate like this you simply use the embed code provided as the HREF of the link you want to use. The A tag used can be around a piece of text or an image.

Sometimes web developers will create their own modals and insert an embedded gate within it. However, this is not the correct way to embed a Gatedcontent.com gate becasue GatedContent.com assumes if you are using an inline gate it is always visible on page load.

This can cause several issues:

  • UX experience can be inhibited and forms may not submit properly
  • Tracking will be affected as the load event will be triggered even though the pop up has not opened 
  • Open gates will not behave as expected
  • It will disrupt the functionality of video gate types

If it is necessary to do custom styling we would recommend changing it in CSS through the Manage Styles area.

If you have any questions about modal gates email support@cirrus1.net or click New Support Ticket above.