Formulayt uses various layers of caching (storing data closer to the user) to improve performance and resilience of the platform. This article explains what kinds of cache are utilised and how to clear them. 

Browser Cache

Some items like gate settings and platform configuration are also stored in the user's browser. If you make an update to a gate and you cannot see these changes on a live web page you may need to clear your browser cache.

Application Cache

The Formulayt platform also employs an application layer cache for performance and efficiency.

Occasionally, some configuration changes to items such as form types and events can take longer than expected to appear on web pages. When this happens, Administrators can manually clear the Formulayt application cache by using the link in the help menu. Clearing application cache should also trigger the edge cache to clear. 

Note: Using this feature will not clear your browser cache or clear caching of gates (that occurs automatically when gates are changed). This tool should only be used when necessary to avoid performance impacts to your account.

Edge Cache

Formulayt stores configuration information needed in the web browser in an Edge Cache (also known as a CDN). Edge caching involves moving web assets (such as scripts or data files) closer to the user (the network's edge) as well as housing them in a central location (server). This means end users are able to retrieve data much more efficiently. If a change to a gate, form type translation etc. is taking a while to appear on a web page, this can be because we are waiting for the Edge Cache to clear (which happens automatically).

Need Help?

If you are experiencing issues with caching after following these guidelines, our technical support team is here to help. Create a new support ticket and we'll assist you with resolving your caching issues.