Pre-filling Form Fields Using Gate Editor

Gates are often associated with particular campaigns, pages or products. You can use gate editor fields to pre-fill user facing fields on gates. For example, you may have a landing page for a specific product. You know that a web user completing a form on the page is more than likely interested in this product in particular. So you can save them some time by highlighting it in the picklist for them. Before setting the rules you will need to create a gate editor field.

On the product (user-facing) field set up a rule as shown below:



Because the Suggested_Product field is determined by the gate editor and is already known, we can set this rule to run on form load.

Conditions (IF):

If the Suggested_Product field has a value

Actions (THEN):

Then change the value of this field to Suggested_Product

Need Help?

If you are experiencing issues with pre-filling form fields after following these steps, our technical support team is here to help. Create a new support ticket and we'll assist you with field configuration issues.