Formulaty can now leverage new methods of implementing form submissions with modern browsers. This allows the detection of form submission failures in certain circumstances. Note that the following does not apply to Marketo, Hubspot or other API-based submissions.

The new method allows us to determine if a form submission has failed because of ad blockers, security settings in a user’s browser, and some other types of issues.

This is a significant improvement over our previous form submission method. Whereas the previous method used HTTP POST via iFrames to handle the submission, this new method uses the HTTP Fetch API in the browser. This allows us more visibility over some submission failure scenarios. There is no difference in what data is actually transmitted. We previously provided an ad blocker detection feature to try and pre-empt when a user might face issues on form submissions. With the Fetch API for form submissions, this is no longer necessary.

When a failed submission is detected, the end user is shown an error message and the form will re-appear. This ensure that the user knows there has been a problem so they can take any relevant actions and try again.

The Fetch API can detect failed submissions caused by:

  • Ad blockers
  • Browser Privacy Settings
  • Server downtime
  • Internet connection or other connectivity issues

The Fetch API cannot detect failed submissions caused by:

  • Validation rules on the receiving platform causing the submission to be rejected
  • Routing problems on the receiving end, or receiving forms being deleted
  • Other types of problems that happen on the receiving platform after receipt of the submission

The Fetch submission method is the default for new Formulayt accounts from August 2024. If your account was created before that date, please contact your accounts manager to have this feature activated on your account.