Setting Up Field Rules for Compliance

New compliance regulations like GDPR and CCPA means marketers have to think carefully about how to capture, manage and store lead data. Ensuring that web users have seen the right information at the right time has become vital best practice for many organisations. Fortunately, Formulayt can facilitate various methods for achieving this.

Most compliance regulations are baed on where the web user is located (not the domain or page language). Before getting started, make sure you understand the difference between user country and language in Formulayt.

Create Compliance Region Lists

Most compliance regulations are on where the web user is located (not the domain or page language). Create a new intermediary hidden field called Compliance_Region and add rules as demonstrated below. Please note: the country values provided are for demonstration purposes only and may not be representative of current compliance regulations.




Because the Country field is visible to the user and its value can be changed in realtime you will need to set this rule to run continuously.

Conditions (IF):

For this section you will need to create a comma separated country list (using two-digit ISO codes) for the corresponding compliance region.

The Country field IS IN GB, IE, FR, DE, ES,...

Actions (THEN):

Then change the value of this field to GDPR.


You can then repeat this process for other compliance regions. For example, you may want to create a regions for countries with explicit opt in where a checkbox should be shown or implicit (opt out) countries where not checkbox would not be shown.




Because the Country field is visible to the user and its value can be changed in realtime you will need to set this rule to run continuously.

Conditions (IF):

The Country field IS IN CA, AT,...

Actions (THEN):

Then change the value of this field to Explicit.




Because the Country field is visible to the user and its value can be changed in realtime you will need to set this rule to run continuously.

Conditions (IF):

The Country field IS IN US, CH, HK,...

Actions (THEN):

Then change the value of this field to Implicit.

Set Rules to Dynamically change the Opt In Field Label

There are a couple of different ways to handle this part of the process. In this example we will be simply changing the field label itself. Alternatively, you could swap the opt in field out entirely using show and hide rules.

Goto your Opt In Checkbox field and create the following rules:




Because the Compliance_Region field will be set by the Country field we will need to set this rule to run continuously.

Conditions (IF):

IF the Compliance_Region equals GDPR

Actions (THEN):

THEN change the label of this field to "By checking this box you confirm that you opting in to marketing communications. For more information see our <a href="">GDPR Policy</a>."

Don't forget to add an Otherwise reset the label of this field action.




Because the Compliance_Region field will be set by the Country field we will need to set this rule to run continuously.

Conditions (IF):

IF the Compliance_Region equals Explicit

Actions (THEN):

THEN change the label of this field to "By checking this box you confirm that you opting in to marketing communications. For more information see our <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>."

Don't forget to add an Otherwise reset the label of this field action.




Because the Compliance_Region field will be set by the Country field we will need to set this rule to run continuously.

Conditions (IF):

IF the Compliance_Region equals Implicit

Actions (THEN):

THEN Hide this field

OTHERWISE show this field.

Need Help?

If you are experiencing issues with compliance configuration after following these steps, our technical support team is here to help. Create a new support ticket and we'll assist you with rule setup issues.